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Success of Best Practice Pilot Celebrated

Jul 12, 2018

Home 5 News 5 Success of Best Practice Pilot Celebrated

Nova Scotia Health Authority’s (NSHA) Annual Report 2017-2018 is celebrating the success of a project at the Aberdeen Hospital. Nurses at the hospital’s inpatient medicine unit partnered with St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) and the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) to adopt best practice guidelines for pressure injuries and care transitions. The result? Better patient care and more satisfied nurses.
The Aberdeen Health Foundation was pleased to provide funding to make this best practice pilot possible, but we are even more pleased with the results.
Read the article from NSHA’s Annual Report >> http://www.nshealth.ca/AnnualReport2017-18/partnering-others.html
Read the original story on our funding announcement for this project >> http://aberdeenhealthfoundation.ca/bestpractice/