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Pictou County Community Health Centre RFP

Jun 2, 2022

Home 5 News 5 Pictou County Community Health Centre RFP

This Request for Proposals (the “RFP) is an invitation by the Pictou County Community Health Centre Society to prospective proponents to submit proposals for the development of an Operational Plan for a Community Health Centre in Pictou County. Proponents should have experience in organizational planning and administration, the not-for-profit sector, and an understanding of the Health Care System in Nova Scotia.

1.1 Invitation to Proponents

This Request for Proposals (the “RFP) is an invitation by the Pictou County Community Health Centre Society to prospective proponents to submit proposals for the development of an Operational Plan for a Community Health Centre in Pictou County.

1.2 Work to Date

In 2018 a small group of community members in Pictou County gathered around kitchen tables and local coffee shops to share a vision of improving health care in Pictou County. The vision was to transform access to primary care beyond treating disease and illness to a more organic model of shared responsibility to restore mind, body, and soul. A place where relationships are built between community and traditional health care, resulting in a system where all aspects of a person’s lived reality is considered when addressing health care needs. These conversations sparked a movement leading to the development of the Pictou County Community Health Centre Working Group (PCCHC-WG or WG) with the goal of creating a Pictou County Community Health Centre (PCCHC).

In 2021, the PCCHC-WG secured funding from the Aberdeen Health Foundation (AHF) and the Sutherland Harris Memorial Hospital Foundation (SHMF) to undertake a community engagement process and develop a pre-operational business plan. The goal of this plan was the cultivation of a clear pathway for the future of a potentially transformational health care system for Pictou County.
The PCCHC-WG undertook an extensive stakeholder engagement process with service providers, community groups, and service users, a review of current Community Health Care models, and a review of available data pertaining to healthcare in Pictou County. While virtually all aspects of health care and community wellness were identified as needing attention, a few themes stood out.

These included:

● Mental health programming and supports, (Tier 1 & 2) as well as increased support for mental health crisis services (Tier 3 & 4);
● Long term management of complex and/or chronic health issues;
● Access to systems navigators/facilitators/case managers to help clients manage their health care needs and access services such as housing, income, and food security supports, and mental health Tier 1 & 2 services. This is especially needed for populations experiencing barriers to access in traditional healthcare systems.
● Improved access to primary health care;
● Health promotion, community support programs, and access to supportive programs that promote social inclusion.
● Pre-natal & post-natal supports;
● Sexual and reproductive health care;

Initial stakeholder consultations demonstrated a need for an alternative way to approach primary health care in our community, one which recognizes that health is not solely interventions in treating disease, but which also approaches healthcare in a preventive and client-centred manner.

Our recently completed pre-operational business plan (https://aberdeenhealthfoundation.ca/pcchc/) includes the following deliverables in 2022 and 2023; The scope of this RFP focuses on item 5:

1. Complete asset mapping by August 2022
2. Establish the PCCHC-WG as a registered non-profit society by November 2022.
3. Implementation of a Knowledge Translation strategy throughout 2022 and 2023.
4. Undertake fundraising activities and secure funding required by January 2023.
5. Complete operational plan by February 2023.
6. Establish the PCCHC-WG as a registered charity in 2023.
7. Begin staff hires in early 2023.
8. Secure needed rental/office space and acquire needed equipment by the spring of 2023.
9. Begin operations in the fall 2023.
10. Develop and implement evaluation, continued sustainability, and expansion plans in 2023 and ongoing.

1.3 Project Scope: Development of Operational Plan

The Pictou County Community Health Centre Society (PCCHCS) is seeking a consultant to complete a strategic operational plan that will provide guidance on the future development of a Community Health Centre in our community. The successful proponent will develop this operational plan with guidance from the PCCHCS, collaborative partners and the broader community. Key components of the Operational Plan will include:

● Determine staffing requirements for effective delivery of CHC services
● Identify essential elements of an HR framework
● Describe administrative requirements for the operation of the CHC, including but not limited to insurance, record management, workplace safety, and privacy.
● Develop a sustainability plan that identifies potential partnerships and funders within government and community.
● Develop a critical path with required timelines for implementation of the operational plan
● Develop a comprehensive 5-year budget for infrastructure (required office/clinical space and equipment), administration, and operations of the CHC

1.4 RFP Contact and Submissions

For this procurement process, the RFP contact shall be Anne Simmonds (902-943-9448). Please submit proposals via email (anneharriet.simmonds@gmail.com) to Pictou County CHC Steering Committee care of Anne Simmonds in PDF format.

1.5 RFP and Project Timetable

Issue Date of RFP – June 1, 2022
Deadline for Questions – June 17, 2022
Submission Deadline – June 22, 2022
Evaluation of applicants – June – Mid July, 2022
Anticipated Execution of Agreement – July 22, 2022
Project Kick Off – August 8, 2022
Development of Detailed Work Plan – September 2, 2022
Draft Operational Plan – February 20, 2023
Final Operational Plan – February 27, 2023

1.6 Preferred Knowledge, Skills, and Experience

● Experience in organizational planning and administration.
● Experience in working with the not-for-profit sector.
● Knowledge of organizational operations
● Understanding of the Health Care System in Nova Scotia

1.7 Proposal Requirements

● Cover letter
● A detailed CV/Resume/profile illustrating expertise and experience of all team members
● References with permission to contact.
● A proposed project schedule.
● Identification of the Project Manager and other specific people who will be performing the work
● A fee identifying the total cost of the work and price schedule breakdown. The total cost must include all services, taxes, and reimbursable expenses.
● Proposals may include supplemental information that strengthens submissions

For a PDF download of this RFP please click here: RFP Operational Plan PCCHCS – FINAL