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New and improved equipment for Aberdeen Hospital's operating rooms

Nov 26, 2014

Home 5 News 5 New and improved equipment for Aberdeen Hospital's operating rooms

The operating rooms at the Aberdeen Hospital have received delivery of some new equipment with funding from the Aberdeen Health Foundation.
Enhancements include new operating room beds, which surgery is performed on, including a new orthopaedic trauma stretcher. The operating theatres now have much improved LED lighting, these units provide brighter lighting and are much easier to manoeuvre around the theatre. These enhancements aid in the performance of surgery, and improve the function and ease of working with the equipment.
OR Suite enhancements
The OR unit also has new specialized surgical instrumentation for hysterectomy operations, and new, more technologically advanced operating monitor towers. With the new technology comes greater picture quality, aiding in diagnostic intervention and interpretation.
The support from the Aberdeen Health Foundation also provided for enhancements to the washing, disinfecting, and pasteurization equipment, so critical for patient safety and care. This technology also allows for testing and auditing, which ensures the cleaning and sterilization is complete. This is vital for preventing cross contamination, and protecting patients from exposure to bacteria and organisms that could harm them.
“We are so very appreciative of the generosity of the Aberdeen Health Foundation,” says Health Services Manager, Priscilla Sharkey. “We have even received feedback from visiting physicians who have commented on how well equipped our operating rooms are. With the Aberdeen Health Foundation’s support we can do more for the our patients, for their comfort and safety.”
Each year the Aberdeen Health Foundation provides between $500,000 and $1 million in enhancements to health care equipment, programs and services at the Aberdeen Hospital and clinics throughout Pictou County. These enhancements were made possible through the Foundation’s Medical Equipment Endowment.
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Posted: November 26, 2014