The Aberdeen Health Foundation is excited to...
Applications Now Open for CAS Endowment
The Aberdeen Health Foundation is now accepting applications for the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) Endowment. The deadline is April 13.
Funding is open to community organizations and programs that are working to foster healthy outcomes for children, youth, and families in Pictou County.
Now in its sixth year, nearly $400,000 in CAS funding has flowed into the community for projects ranging from natural and play-rich learning spaces to food security, respite services, health and wellness education, and digital literacy. Approximately $60,000 in total is available, historically shared between several projects.
A note to applicants that there have been updates for 2018 and previous year funding application forms should not be used.
Click here for information on project eligibility and application forms, or contact Kim Martin at 902-755-7600, x. 4600.