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Setting Sights on Population Health Focus of Upcoming AGM

Feb 16, 2018

Home 5 News 5 Setting Sights on Population Health Focus of Upcoming AGM

The Aberdeen Health Foundation has a 30-year history of enhancing health care in Pictou County by investing in advanced patient care technology and staff development. More recently, the Foundation has identified the need to also invest in fostering population health.
“There are many factors that play a role in health that are well beyond the reach of the health care system,” says Dr. Aulayne Jeans of the Aberdeen Health Foundation’s Population Health Committee. Jeans is referring to the Determinants of Health, which encompass the range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health.

This new enlarged vision is allowing the Foundation to support the launch of new programs in the community, such as Walk and Roll, a walking group for mobility compromised seniors.
Nova Scotia Health Authority Physiotherapist, Clare Munroe emphasized the program’s importance. “Research shows that 20-minutes of moderately paced exercise daily is the single most effective treatment for living well into one’s senior years. Seniors are also the most underrepresented in formal exercise programs.”
While walkers are one of the best ways mobility compromised seniors can improve their quality of life they are also underutilized, adds Munro. The Foundation funded five walkers for the program, which is getting seniors moving and helping reduce the stigma of using these effective assistive devices.
Exploring the ways to positively impact population health will be the focus of the Aberdeen Health Foundation’s Annual General Meeting, taking place February 22 at 6:30 pm in the Aberdeen Hospital Boardroom. Guest speaker, Public Health Physician Dr. Ryan Sommers, will use real-world examples to show the remarkable impact of investing in the health of one’s community. The meeting will be followed by an appreciation reception for the Foundation’s retiring Executive Director, Susan Malcolm. Click here for more information or to RSVP.

Photo: The Walk and Roll participants are enjoying keeping up with their exercise at the Y without having to brave the snow and freezing conditions outside. Pictured L-R: Jim Pomeroy, YMCA; Margaret Craig; Clare Munroe, NSHA Physiotherapist; Phillip Carruthers (seated); Marilyn Carruthers; Eve Westerman; Lisa DeCoste; NSHA Rehabilitation Assistant; Dr. Aulayne Jeans, Aberdeen Health Foundation.


Posted: February 16, 2018