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Respectful Workplace

We believe that enhancing the health of Pictou County can be accomplished through mutual respect for all.

Our Foundation’s Environment

The Aberdeen Health Foundation plays an important role in the health and wellbeing of its community. Founded in 1986 as the Aberdeen Hospital Foundation, the Foundation has been working with the generous help of its donors towards its vision of improved health for the people of Pictou County and access to high quality local health care. The Aberdeen Health Foundation focuses on the health needs of the hospital and community by funding:

  • Patient care technology
  • Innovations in treatment
  • Facility enhancements
  • Professional development and support for health care workers
  • Programs that advance health and prevent illness

The Board and employees of the Aberdeen Health Foundation strive to create a work environment that demonstrates respect for everyone, including fellow Board members and employees, donors, stakeholders, and the community.


Diversity and Inclusion

The Board and employees of the Aberdeen Health Foundation have made a commitment to diversity and inclusion in order to give the opportunity to anyone to contribute fully to the work of the Foundation. We value the contributions of others and consider other points of view. Decision making by the Board is free of personal bias or perceptions. We maintain fairness in our relationships. We do not discriminate against anyone including fellow Board Directors and employees, donors, stakeholders and the community.


Harassment and Discrimination

Although we strive to operate in an environment of respect, free of harassment and discrimination, there can be times when we experience it. Harassment is unwelcome behaviour that creates an offensive, hostile or intimidating work environment and interferes with people’s ability to do their job. This behaviour clashes with the climate of respect that we strive to maintain. It damages morale and relationships.

Harassment can take many forms including comments, gestures, innuendo, and displaying material of a sexual or discriminatory nature that is offensive and unwelcome. It can include verbal, physical or emotional abuse, bullying, written remarks and gestures.

The Board and employees of the Aberdeen Health Foundation have the right to do their work free of discrimination and harassment. It not only damages morale, but also productivity and the reputation of the organization. Everyone can prevent this and maintain a collegial, collaborative, and supportive environment where harassing or discriminatory behaviour has no place.

If we experience, see or hear harassing or discriminatory behaviour, whether from a Board member, employee, donor, or stakeholder, we have a duty to report it to the Executive Committee of the Board. The Executive Committee of the Board will investigate the situation and should harassing or discriminatory behaviour be found, they have the duty to rectify it. Depending on the severity of the situation, it could lead to dismissal of a Board Director, termination of employment, and termination of relationships with donors or stakeholders.